
Let’s use all the acronyms!! Joking aside I hope you’ll stay in touch!

You have probably been bombarded by a myriad of companies contacting you about opting in to stay in touch, this is because as of May 25th 2018, Data Protection Laws are changing.
For Keep Calm and Crochet On UK (KCACO.UK) I take your privacy seriously and in order to stay compliant I’ve updated my Privacy Policy (which you can also now view as a set page on the blog). 
If you are an email subscriber to this blog I need to double check with you that you are still  happy to receive my latest posts by email – if you are that’s awesome you don’t need to do anything.  However, if you no longer want to subscribe (if you are reading this in your email) you just need to click the unsubscribe option below and you will no longer be contacted by me.
If you are a subscriber to my mailchimp newsletter you should have an email in your inbox asking if you still wish to receive updates from me each month. Just click on the ‘Update Settings’ button to opt in and it will just reconfirm your email address with you.

Until next time (hopefully) keep calm and crochet on my friends xx


Keep Calm and Crochet On UK Newsletter

icon-1798272_960_720It seems to me that all the cool blogs have a newsletter and so, after several requests, I’m starting one….issue #01 in fact. What will it be about? Well if you like crochet…then you just might like it 😉  

Each month you can expect to see a round up of my blog posts, special offers (that you don’t get on the blog or through social media), customer and pattern spotlights and other bits of news and secrets!

I’m thinking in my head that the newsletter will go out on the last weekend of every month so, with the end of the month fast approaching, I thought I’d see if any of you lovely lot would like to subscribe…go on…there’ll be cyber treats in it for you! 🍬

You can subscribe to the newsletter by clicking on the blue button below (or the menu on the right handside). 


And that’s it – all you have to do now is sit back and wait till the end of the month for the first edition! 

Until next time, happy hooking and keep calm and crochet on my friends xx
